World's End Club
World's End Club Logo T-Shirt/Logo T-Shirt Kid's Size

From "World's End Club" comes a t-shirt featuring the game's logo. Purchases/preorders of applicable products from the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP will include a random sticker (1 of 4 varieties) as a bonus! 1 sticker will be given per order.

Specifications Materials: 100% Cotton, Size: Logo T-Shirt - Length 69cm/Width 52cm/Shoulder Width 46cm/Sleeve Length 20cm, Logo T-Shirt Kid's Size - Length 55cm/Width 40cm/Shoulder Width 36cm/Sleeve Length 16cm
Price ¥2,750 Each  
Release Date Shipped as orders are received.
Announced on 2021/05/27

Where to Purchase

Available for purchase at the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP from the 27th of May at 12:00JST until supplies last.

Check the GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP for more info.

*May be sold at certain events.

  • Images shown here may differ from the final product.